Wing Joo Loong Qian Shi 芡实
Wing Joo Loong Qian Shi 芡实
Wing Joo Loong Qian Shi 芡实
Wing Joo Loong Qian Shi 芡实
Wing Joo Loong Qian Shi 芡实
Wing Joo Loong Qian Shi 芡实
Wing Joo Loong Qian Shi 芡实
Wing Joo Loong Qian Shi 芡实

Wing Joo Loong

Qian Shi 芡实


Nourishes spleen and kidneys & dries dampness


In TCM, Qiàn shí (Euryale Seed; 芡实) is commonly used to restore harmony in the spleen and kidneys, and drain dampness (excess moisture) from the body.

● Tonifies the spleen and relieves chronic diarrhea, loose stools, loss of appetite, etc.
● Strengthens the kidneys to preserve the essence, thereby relieving kidney deficiency symptoms such as soreness and weakness of the waist and knees; incontinence; frequent urination; involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep (nocturnal emission); premature ejaculation; involuntary loss of semen (spermatorrhea), etc.
● Alleviates abnormal vaginal discharge e.g. odorous vaginal discharge due to damp-heat; thin vaginal discharge due to spleen and kidney deficiency, etc.
● Drains dampness and stops excessive vaginal discharge


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