Qi & Blood Double Booster Soup is a traditional TCM formula that is used to replenish Qi and blood to alleviate symptoms such as fatigue, pale complexion, anaemia, anxiety, heart palpitations, poor mental functions, and light-headedness. It is commonly known as a blood tonic for women in improving irregular periods, alleviating period pain, and replenishing blood. However, Qi & Blood Double Booster Soup can also be used by men to restore balance and vitality.
Note: Ba Zhen Tang is now "Qi & Blood Double Booster Soup" with a new look! There's no change to the ingredients of the product.
For ladies, it is generally recommended to take Qi & Blood Double Booster Soup two days after their period has ended. As Qi & Blood Double Booster Soup has similar benefits as Bak Foong Pill (Bai Feng Wan), it is recommended to consume them on separate days.
The soup can be consumed 1-2 times a week, but individuals experiencing heatiness should avoid it. This herbal soup pack is also vegetarian-friendly and serves 2-3 people per pack.
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